September 18, 2024     7:03 pm
161. Week of Third Sunday after Easter - Saturday
Every man in his own order.
          Every man in his own order.   1 Corinthians 15:23
          In the resurrection of the dead every one and everything shall come in the order appointed by God. The first-fruits in the resurrection is Christ, as has been abundantly shown. Then they who are Christ's shall rise to eternal life at His coming to Judgment. Then, immediately after this resurrection and the Judgment, comes the end of the world. Then, having done all things well, Christ will deliver up to the Father the Kingdom of Grace, the King and Mediator of which He has been up till now. Then He will also abolish all worldly rule and authority and power; and, in particular, all power hostile to His own. But Christ must reign as King of His Kingdom of Grace and as our Mediator until, at the end of the world, He will have made all His enemies His footstool and utterly have made an end of them. The last enemy of His own that shall be destroyed, is death: those who have risen to eternal life shall see nothing more of it. For the Father has put all things under Christ's feet. He has told us so in His Word. But when He says that all things are put under Christ, it is clear that He is excepted who put all things under Him; that is, the Father. But when at last all things shall have been subdued under Christ, then shall also the Son, Christ, the King and Mediator, Himself be subject under Him that put all things under Him, that is, to the Father; then shall He appear before the Father with His entire congregation of the redeemed of all times and say: I have finished the work which You have commanded me to do; then He shall deliver up the Kingdom of Grace and His mediatorship to the Father who gave it to Him. And then the Triune God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, shall be all in all; then the riches of blessedness and of glory shall pour forth upon us from the Triune God.
          PRAYER: - O God the Father, what riches of bliss You graciously grant me to see! O God the Son, Lord Jesus Christ, my King and Mediator, how well You will accomplish all, even to my eternal glory! O God the Holy Spirit, by Your holy Word You will confirm me in faith to the end, that I may live to see it all. O Triune God, indeed, I shall live to see it, for You will quicken me from the dead by Your divine power and grace, and bring me to the eternal consummation; where You shall be all in all. Amen.

First Part : Festival Season
September 18, 2024     7:03 pm