September 18, 2024     5:10 pm
184. Second Day of Pentecost - Monday
God has made that same Jesus whom you have crucified both Lord and Christ
          Therefore let all the house of Israel know for certain that God has made that same Jesus whom you have crucified both Lord and Christ.   Acts 2:36
          While the devout men marvelled at the miraculous outpouring of the Holy Spirit, and the scoffers were scoffing, Peter arose with the eleven. And the fire of the Holy Spirit burned in their hearts and on their lips, as well as visibly on their heads. And Peter said: "You men of Judea, and all who dwell at Jerusalem, be this known to you, and listen to my words; for these men are not drunk, as you suppose, seeing it is only the third hour of the day. (9 am)" And then he delivered a powerful sermon, which you may read in the second chapter of the Acts. First he showed that this outpouring of the Holy Spirit had been foretold by the Prophet Joel, who said that it would occur in the last days, that is, after the Messiah had come. (Joel 3) And then, yes, then, he showed that Jesus of Nazareth, approved by God among them by miracles and wonders and signs, but crucified and slain by them according to the counsel of God, had risen from the dead, as the Scriptures (Ps.16) had also foretold of the Messiah. "Of which we are all witnesses," said Peter. And then he showed them that the risen Lord, after He had been exalted to the right hand of God, according to the prophecy of Scripture concerning Christ, the Messiah (Ps.110), had shed forth this which they now saw and heard, that is, the Holy Spirit, attended by wonders and great signs, as again foretold by Joel for the time of the Messiah. And most impressively he said, in closing: "Therefore let all the house of Israel know for certain that God has made that same Jesus whom you have crucified both Lord and Christ." And immediately the Holy Spirit proved His power upon the hearts of the hearers: when they heard this they were pricked in their hearts.- Tomorrow we shall see what followed. But for today note that this outpouring of the Holy Spirit after Jesus' ascension proves that Jesus is the Christ promised in the Old Testament, for it was to happen in the days of Christ. And note also that the Holy Spirit works and sustains saving faith in us through the Word of Christ, and not otherwise.
          PRAYER: - Lord God, Heavenly Father, who out of fatherly love toward us poor sinners gave us Your Son, that we should believe in Him and through faith be saved, I pray You, let Your Holy Spirit enter my heart also, that I may remain steadfast in such faith until my end, and obtain everlasting life, through Jesus Christ, our dear Lord. Amen.

First Part : Festival Season
September 18, 2024     5:10 pm