September 18, 2024     6:59 pm
313. Week of Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity - Thursday
Blessed are the merciful
          Blessed are the merciful; for they shall obtain mercy.   Mathew 5:7
          True Christians, God's children, are known to be merciful. For their faith daily teaches and reminds them that it is only and exclusively by the mercy of God that they are what they are. And this light of divine mercy is reflected in their regenerated hearts. They also hear their Saviour say: "Therefore be merciful, just as your Father also is merciful." (Luke 6:36.) And the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of the Father and of Christ, makes them merciful. And the seed of mercy germinates and sprouts and buds and blossoms and bears fruit within their hearts, which by nature indeed are sinful and, hence, unmerciful. For the new birth is mightier than the carnal birth. True Christians, God's children, are merciful toward friend and foe, toward fellow-believers and toward such as adhere to false doctrines, toward rich and poor, indeed, toward everybody. Mercy is the element in which they live, as a fish lives in water and a bird in the air. They are blessed. For they too, obtain mercy, even in this present time, from God, their Father, and from their brethren and sisters in the faith. And one day, on the day of Christ's reappearing, theirs shall be a bliss inexpressible, when by God's mercy they shall bask in His never-ending mercies.
          PRAYER: - Merciful God, in whose mercy I live and have my being, whose mercy shall one day greet and satisfy and enrapture me: make me, a poor sinner, I beseech You, ever more like You. My Father, I desire to bear Your image, for I love You. And I would have all men know that I am Your child. Make me merciful, even as You are merciful! Amen

Third Part : The Christian's Life and Death
September 18, 2024     6:59 pm